03 October 2008

Mahou Tsukai ni Taisetsu na Koto ~Natsu no Sora~ Episode 12

Breaking the tradition of starting a series from the first episode, I decided to start with the LAST episode. Therefore, I am announcing the release of Mahou Tsukai ni Taisetsu na Koto ~Natsu no Sora~ Episode 12. This is my first public fansub, so please be gentle.

Torrent link: http://forum.anirena.com/viewtracker.php?action=download&id=14788

This is a double translation. The script was translated from a Chinese fansub, so the translation might be somewhat inaccurate. I did actually listen to the Japanese audio and fixed some mistakes, but my Chinese is far better than my Japanese (1/2 a semester of college Japanese).

Original script, timing, Chinese translation: Ktxp
Timing adjustments, translation, QC: Shizuka; translation help + editing: Princess Vera

Acknoweldgements go to Kiss-Fans. You rock! In addition to watching all 11 previous episodes (your pastebin has pre-release scripts, which is awesome!), I used your episode 11 scripts to translate some particularly difficult Chinese sentences.

When they release episode 12, please watch it.

Update 1: Oops. The lyrics need Asian text support installed (Windows). I didn't translate them, so I didn't even check them.

Update 2: If you want to watch episode 11, grab a RAW and get the pre-release subtitles from Kiss-Fan's pastebin.

Update 3: Alright. I found a major goof. Version 2.

1 comment:

M|B|V said...

I think the most problematic part, moreso than the ending, is that conversation about visiting Sora and ice cream... [Seriously, without context and sentence subjects, I have NO idea what's going on...]